Why we're in the game
When you chose a business partner, you do that because they have the skills and knowledge that you are lacking, and don't find the time enough to invest in.
In choosing a partner, you look for trust and you look for care & simplicity. Someone you can count on. And trust is almost always gained by being yourself. Being personal.
We strive to be the most personal supply-chain and logistics partner. Because the more personal we are and the more we care, the more you will gain trust and peace of mind.
This is our story. Why we're in the game.

Our genes
Hong Kong 1999. Bengt Sjöberg finds himself at the right time and place. Bengt who has spent most of his career in logistics, is faced with the opportunity of management buy-out of ASG Asia Pacific.
Bengt grasps the opportunity to create something unique. A company that does not only focus on the fundamentals, the things that can be easily copied and executed more efficiently by others.
He focuses on the soul of his company and is determined that unconditional care is what makes customer relations blossom, and user simplicity is what generates business success.
The formula proves to be successful, and before Bengt retires he spends time searching for the right partner who can continue to carry on with the management of the company and finally in 2012 he chose the Nippon Express group.
The reason was the combination of opportunities for both sides and the possibility for APC to keep its structure, branding and company culture while continuing to serve its customers and agents across the world in a better way.
The Nippon Express group ranks globally in the top 5 major companies in Logistics and Transportation with over 700 locations worldwide. Nippon Express was established in 1937 though the history goes back to 1872.
Bengt’s legacy is still the key fundamental reason why we exist. To take best care of the people we deal with, to take responsibility for the impact we have on prosperity and health of people around the world, and to make a positive imprint.
Handle with care. It’s in our genes.
Our philosophy
Care and Simplicity are the two main fundamentals behind our philosophy Relaxogistics, which makes it possible for us to promise you ”Shipping made easy”.
Our philosophy originates from the fact that you should always feel well taken care of considering your needs and wants and that even very complex logistical challenges becomes simple. So that you can focus and invest more time in your core business.

Our approach to CSR
APC wants to make a difference in society by continuing in the footsteps of our founder Bengt Sjöberg. We aim to actively support causes close to our hearts and which have a clear purpose that we believe is worthwile. This support should always be based on an APC employee engagement and commitment!
Ung Cancer

APC supports the Swedish non-profit organization Ung Cancer in their activities to support young people affected by cancer. Follow ungcancer.se or #fuckcancer.
Giving People

APC supports Giving People - helping financially vulnerable families with children who have difficulty getting food on the tables, with grocery bags.
Follow them on givingpeople.se

The Childhood Cancer Foundation works to fight childhood cancer and provides care & support to those affected! It is a non-profit organization that works with funding for childhood cancer research in Sweden.
They ensure that every child and family affected by cancer can live a good and long life.
Follow them on barncancerfonden.se
Senior Leadership
Committed to Your Satisfaction
Keith Chong
Managing Director
Hong Kong & Greater China
Keith has held the role of Managing Director for APC Hong Kong & Greater China since December 2017. He is based in the most crowded city in the world - Hong Kong. And if you did not know it although it is the most crowded city in the world, 75% of Hong Kongs territory is actually green.
Although he looks young Keith has over 20 years experience in the logistics & supply chain industry.
Keith is according to himself a great basketball player, with an engineering background. At APC we believe that is how Keith always manages to find and develop great solutions both on the court and on the job.
Keith holds a Bachelor Degree of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Aldo Soprani
Group CEO
Aldo joined APC in 2014 as Managing Director Hong Kong, growing his responsibilities through South China and Taiwan before becoming Group CEO of the company in 2017. He currently lives the “Asian Dream” since 2002 when Panalpina moved him from Milan to Tokyo.
Aldo was born in Milan and it is important to note that it is not the Milan suburbs but he actually means the real Milan when he explains this.
Aldo loves trekking and cycling in the green country parks of Hong Kong. Which is good because he is also a person that loves all kinds of foods that this world has to offer. Which Italian is not passionate about his food by the way?
Aldo is married and has 3 kids and a dog, which means that he very often signs up for business travel.
Aldo holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from the Catholic University of Milan

Päivi Lundell
Per Hansen Tangen
Managing Director
Päivi opened the first office in Finland under the APC brand during spring 2019 and so far she and her team has taken on the market by sheer finish sisu and smartness.
This is not by chance as Päivi was born in hardworking northern parts of FInland and she has had the opportunity to grow up and learn what it takes to be succesful.
Päivis history goes back to ASG times where she worked together with APCs founder Bengt Sjöberg so for Päivi it was like coming back full circle by starting up and running APC Finland.
Päivis favourite pasttime activities includes spending time with her daughter, skiing, riding and go for long strolls in the forest looking for mushrooms. We believe that she has some of the most secret and best mushrooms spots of all people in Finland.

Managing Director
Per started APC Logistics in Norway in 2006 after many years in the forwarding business.
Per is born the same year as John F Kennedy was killed which is also the same year as stars like Michael Jordan and Johnny Depp was born.
He started his career at Stena Line before he joined MSAS Cargo International. MSAS merged with Excel logistics and after that Per took the opportunity to open APC norway.
As every norwegian Per loves outdoor activities. From Catamaran sailing to long hikes and also of course skiing or as they say in Norway "ut på tur".

Geert Vanderperren
Managing Director
Marc Koppelman
Managing Director
Marc is born in the most beautiful city in Germany - Dusseldorf. Atleast that is the most beautiful city according to himself, and lucky Marc that get the opportunity to stay there and open up APC.
Marc was in charge of setting up APC Germany in 2019 and has a vast experience in the freight forwarding business. Like all Germans he is a very diligent person and also has a great eye for details.
Spending time with family is one of his best recreational past times and is a proud father.
Marcs slogan is “You're only as old as you feel”, so make sure you do not ask him how old he is just after the Oktoberfest.
Among other things Marc is also a multilinguistic talent, he studied both French and Italian in school but he still understands Dutch and other languages better...
Geert opened the first office in Belgium under the APC brand in 2016. He is a well known motor and speed freak so here everything happens in high tempo. F1 / Rally and Moto GP is always high on the agende for Geert. His fondest memory was the Moto GP race in Italy standing with Rossis fanclub
Being a Belgian national the favorite food is of course fries, not french, but belgian of course and preferably with a steak as a side dish.
Geert was born in Vilvoorde which connects to brussels in 10 minutes on the oldest railway line in Europe. He is also born the same year as Boeing 747 makes it first commercial flight so he is a bit of an airfreight expert.
When he gets time off from work, which is seldom he like to cruise around the countryside in his convertible car.

Tomas Hammar
Managing Director
Tomas has been the MD of APC Sweden since 2016 and is based in the Gothenburg office, Sweden.
Prior to joining APC, Tomas was based in both Singapore and in Hong Kong which is quite a long way from the northern parts of Sweden where he grew up.
He states that he is born in the city with the best hockey team in Sweden - Timrå, But there seems to be very few Swedes agreeing to this and all of them are also coming from that place as well?
He likes to exercise and meditate and also to eat healthy foods, like a nice cold low carb beer.
He is a good problem solver at work, but admits that at home he is all thumbs - but still trying to solve all practical work around the house himself, leading to a lot of pain, bad words and in the end higher costs anyway…
APC Logistics Privacy Policy
A Privacy Policy agreement is required by law if you collect personal data about your site visitors. Customize the details of your policy according to local regulations to reflect the steps you take to protect your users’ information.
Compliance with Laws, Government Guidelines and other Regulations on Personal Data Protection
The Company shall comply with all laws, government guidelines and other regulations governing the protection of personal data.
If you apply to work with us, we will collect, process and store the information you have sent us for recruitment-related purposes, such as contacting you or making you a job offer, with confidentiality. We will process the data according to Local Labour Regulations of the Country in which applied. When applying for a job, you automatically give your consent to do so and we will retain your personal data for a period as per the requirements of the country in which you applied. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us, If you choose to withdraw your consent, our use of your personal data prior to your withdrawal remains lawful.
For any information and enquiry, please contact info@apclogistics.com
APC Logistics Sustainability Policy
The purpose of our sustainability policy
APC Logistics sustainability policy has the parent company Nippon Express Group's global sustainability policy as the basis for how we work with sustainability issues. This means that we sometimes refer to global guidelines that apply within the group, but at the same time we have gone a step further and locally adapted the global sustainability policy to a locally manageable policy. With this, we want to show our employees, our customers and suppliers that we actively try to take our responsibility to work with sustainability.
Sustainability vision
The main goal of APC's sustainability vision is to try to help people around the world and in our vicinity to a better life and to help develop a more sustainable society through our business activities.
We do this in 3 focus areas that are all interconnected.
• Social value – To ensure security and stability as well as satisfied employees
• Environmental value – Preservation of the environment and protection of nature
• Economic value – Our sustainable growth
Social value
1. Actively work to improve health, safety and security in the workplace and have a zero vision for work-related accidents and sick leaves.
2. Increase employee commitment and interest.
3. Continuously develop the skills of the staff for digitization and to find new innovative solutions.
4. Be an inclusive employer that embraces diversity
5. Develop and support the communities where the company operates
6. Support and collaborate with activities that contribute to happiness, security, health and education in society, preferably aimed at young people and children who are our future.
Environmental value
1. Actively work to reduce our footprint on the environment and people.
2. We comply with applicable environmental laws, regulations and requirements.
3. Education and communication about environmental goals and policies.
4. We will report and follow up on our environmental goals.
5. We will continuously try to improve our work around the environment.
Economy value
Conduct the business from a long-term perspective where decisions that strengthen the company financially for a longer period of time must be the basis of decision for management.
To be of importance in the long term any economic value must pass social and environmental values.
APC Logistics Environmental Policy
The purpose of our environmental policy
APC logistics environmental policy use the parent company Nippon Express Group's global Environmental Charter as the basis for how we should actively work and look at environmental topics. This means that we sometimes refer to global guidelines that apply within the group, but at the same time we have gone a step further and locally adapted the global environmental policy to a locally manageable policy. With this, we want to show our employees, our customers and suppliers that we actively try to take our responsibility to work with sustainability and proactively improve our conduct and thinking pertaining to environmental issues.
Code of Conduct
Recognizing that the preservation of the earth's environment is a challenge facing all of humanity and an indispensable requirement for our group's existence and operations, we shall independently and proactively strive to combat global warming, preserve biodiversity and build a recycling-based society.
1. We will promote green logistics.
We will work continuously to reduce harmful greenhouse gases by practicing and promoting environmentally friendly logistics. We will work to develop and stimulate the use of environmentally friendly logistics products, services and packaging.
Example measures: Increasing the number of rail shipments instead of airfreight and promoting rail as a more sustainable way of transporting goods.
Example measures: To promote sea transport within Europe instead of truck transport and sell the sustainability gains from this modal shift to our customers.
Example measures: Work actively to demand cleaner sea transports and the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) for our air transport.
Example measures: Support the conversion to more of our suppliers' pre- and post-transport runs on electricity or biogas and other renewable fuels
2. We shall constantly strive to improve the utilization of energy and natural resources in order to limit our environmental impact.
We will continuously try to reduce our impact on the environment by choosing renewable energy and finding smarter solutions for energy use. We will try to reduce paper usage and recycle all materials that we use to run our business that can be recycled.
Example measures: We will increase the use of travel-free meetings and reduce the mileage per employee and promote electric operation of the company's vehicles. Travel should mainly take place by train if possible.
3. We will comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations.
We will fully comply with both global and local environmental regulations and laws and actively follow the environmental quality goals of the country that we operate in.
4. Education and communication.
We will educate and clearly communicate to our staff about the measures we take and intend to take as a company to reduce our environmental impact.
5. We will report and follow up on our environmental goals.
We will work actively and follow up on our environmental goals with simple and clear KPIs about what we want to achieve and what consequence each goal has.
6. We will continuously try to improve our work around the environment.
We will continuously work on improvements around our environmental system and the goals we set to constantly improve and develop ourselves. We will have to review our processes and working methods with the goal of always limiting our environmental impact without losing quality.